26 Jan

Divarication of recti is also known as a mummy pooch. The common symptoms are back pain and urinary incontinence among Singapore mums. You can also experience a postpartum belly that is visible while you're exercising or stretching abdominal muscles.If you feel these symptoms as a bother, you can diagnose divarication of recti with a simple self-assessment. However, with many samples you’ll see over the internet, there might be mistakes that you have been making.

Only checking the recti distance.

A divarication of the recti test will help you know the measurement of your gap. However, the core can create stress across that distance. This tension can cause the IRD to become even broader.

Raising your head too high to take a measurement.

In assessing your divarication of recti, you will be doing a curl up exercise. Before you elevate your head, you should notice some strain or tension in your neck. Once your head is over the ground, you'll need to activate your other abdominal muscles to assist you, and you need to make sure that you feel the muscles.

Confusing tension with pressure

As you test if you have divarication of the recti, you will notice the tightening tension in your finger. It means that if you see that your finger is going off of the linea alba, your oblique muscles or your core muscles are lying to you.

Testing too soon

A divarication of recti assessment will be necessary, but it's not encouraged for the first eight weeks of recovery because your body is still adjusting. Since you might still be dealing with a postpartum belly during your first weeks, you won't be able to get the proper diagnosis.

Not consulting for expert help.

You'll learn more about your condition by visiting a postnatal care centre in Singapore. This way, you will receive a better diagnosis. You'll also receive recommendations for the right diastasis recti exercises to help you through your healing.If you are looking for a postnatal care centre in Singapore, consider the expertise of Orchard Clinic. Visit them today!



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