19 Jul

Some people see snoring as a typical part of sleeping. However, it is a sign of an unhealthy lifestyle or nasal problems. Snoring could sometimes be dangerous, which is why people should not consider it normal. These are the things you need to know about snoring: 


There are many causes of snoring, and sometimes it is about your lifestyle. One common cause of snoring is alcohol consumption. Other reasons could be nasal problems like deviated nasal septum, chronic nasal congestion or blocked nasal airways. It could also be about your sleep position. Go to a sleep clinic if you experience snoring.


You could know that you are snoring if you always feel daytime sleepiness or morning headaches. Sometimes, you can feel a sore throat, chest pain, or choking while sleeping. If you experience any of these, check with an ear, nose, and throat specialist in Singapore


 In some cases, snoring could be a sign of sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is when airways are blocked while sleeping, making the chest muscles hard to open and pull in the lungs. Experiencing this requires the immediate attention of a sleep specialist in Singapore.

 Complications could also be trouble sleeping at night, waking up in between sleep, or blood pressure.


Like other health conditions, snoring has risk factors. The most common risks are being overweight, alcohol intake, being a man, or having a history of sleep apnea or snoring. Always watch for your health and consult a sleep clinic in Singapore once in a while.


After checking your medical history and physical exam, the sleep specialist would give a snoring treatment available in Singapore. They would advise doing a sleep study, changing your lifestyle, do surgery, or put a device inside your mouth that makes your airways open.

 If you are looking for a sleep clinic in Singapore, visit Dr Gan Eng Cern - Sinus & ENT Specialist’s website. You can check all the services they have there.




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