08 Jan

As the year 2020 begins. Many people across the globe make their own New Year’s resolutions. And did you know? For this year 2020, 49% of the world’s population says they want to eat healthily. With that said, here are the seven ways to have a healthier diet this 2020.

1. Eat More Protein

Protein has a crucial role in every cell in the body, and the body uses protein to build and repair tissues of bone, muscles, cartilage, skin, and blood. 

2. Consume More Plants

According to Medical News Today, adding plant-based diets can reduce the risk of heart disease, high cholesterol, certain cancers, type 2 diabetes, and obesity.

3. Start a Meal with Soup 

Sipping a cup of soup before meals are one way to fill you up and that helps you to consume fewer calories or amount of the entire dish. 

4. Focus on Fibre

Fibre such as oatmeal or quinoa gives a feeling of fullness without eating too many calories, and it helps anyone to digest their food well, and it keeps the digestive system healthy.

5. Drink Lots of Water

Stay hydrated all the time by filling up a large water bottle each day, because it helps you to keep off hunger and prevent getting headache, dizziness, and fatigue. 

6. Cut Down Sugar In Taking

Sugar is bad for your waistline and health because it will help a lot for you to gain weight, and gaining weight means unbalanced diet.

7. Eat Less Meat

Eating less meat helps you and keeps up your healthy lifestyle by reducing the risk of obesity, cancer, and heart disease. So, try to eat meatless one day per week.

Here are some ways to eat healthily and live healthily, and have a healthier diet this 2020. So, start now and make your New Year’s resolution come true!

For a less hassle way to live healthy in Singapore,  try drinking high calcium supplements as you visit Health Domain as they can keep you healthy all year round.

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