07 Sep

Seek the expertise of a urology specialist in Singapore when doubtful of the urinary condition. Diagnosis and treatment of UTI may be granted. 

Frequency of UTI

In a span of six months, when infections occur for a minimum of two times, UTI in Singapore is known to be recurrent. Within a year, three infections at the least are experienced. When an incident of UTI happens, the urine has to be positive with it.

Common Infection

Predominantly, it is the ladies who are most likely to have this common infection. Data shows that around 50 to 60% become prone to it. The organism that causes this is Escherichia coli.

Classification of UTI

This condition is classified as uncomplicated when it is an isolated episode. The urinary tract is free from abnormalities that are functional or structural. On the other hand, it becomes complicated when there is a barrier in the urinary tract.

Stress Incontinence

Urinary incontinence is an effect of leakage for this liquid in an involuntary manner. It is identified as stress incontinence when it occurs during physical activities. Also, as laughing or coughing happens.

Urge and Overflow Incontinence

Known to be urge incontinence as the tendency to go to the toilet is sudden. The bladder is overactive for this condition. When urine remains in the bladder, overflow incontinence is experienced.

Affected Body Organs

The discovery of urinary stones is a cause for treatment. Affected body organs are the kidneys, urinary bladder, and ureters. From genetics, this condition exists when the patient is young. 

Different Scenarios

When the urinary tract on the left and right side have stones, these have to be removed. Repetition of stone formation exists. It is possible for at least one stone to be present in the urinary tract.

With the urologists of Rock Digital, the patient is provided an accurate assessment. Talk to one of them soon.

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