06 Apr

In this modern society, alternative medicine or holistic practices are unacceptable in the mainstream health industry. Many people doubt its effectiveness because it lacks a scientific approach and hard-based results. Naturally, people will go after methods that are scientifically proven and heavily researched by doctors. Contrary to what most people think, holistic approaches, such as sports physiotherapy and natural healing, are effective. 

Of course, it is easy to doubt things nowadays without science. But, if you give it some chances, maybe it would do more than what you expect.  If you are uncertain whether to try natural healing in Singapore, read this article to help you decide why you have to try it now. 

What Is Natural Healing, And Is It Effective? 

Natural healing, also known as the holistic approach, considers the whole person, including body, mind, spirit, and emotions. The philosophy of natural healing is to gain proper balance in life for optimal health. A naturopathic doctor believes that the body is an interdependent part. So, if one part is not working, other parts will be affected. To fully understand the power of natural healing, refer to the principles below: 

  • Everyone has innate healing abilities
  • Does not consider a person as a disease, but rather a patient
  • Cooperation between the naturopathic doctor and patient
  • Fixing the condition, not just alleviate the symptoms

Although natural healing is safe, many people are still wondering if it's effective. Answering the question is more than just a yes or no. Plus, natural healing does not rely on numbers and evidence because natural healing depends on each person's natural healing mechanism. Therefore, it will be hard to come up with a solid answer.

However, making it more effective is possible. First, you have to believe that natural healing is working for your body. Remember, your mind is a powerful force that influences your body. Since natural healing is about interconnectedness, start with your mind and see how effective it can be.

Natural Healing: What Are The Methods? 

A naturopathic doctor will help you achieve optimal health by helping you take responsibility for your well-being. Depending on your naturopathic’s expertise, the methods to be used are listed below:

  • Acupuncture - It involves the insertion of needles into the body's acupuncture points. It opens up blocked energy and taps your body's natural healing mechanism.
  • Aromatherapy - It uses essential oils that produce fragrant smells to improve mood and happiness. In natural healing, make sure to follow the recommended oils for a better experience.
  • Meditation - Meditation helps calm your mind. Also, it balances your emotions and boosts your mood. Plus, meditation is good for your mental health.
  • Hypnotherapy - It is a natural healing method that places you in a state of relaxation and self-awareness. This way, it relieves unwanted thoughts that improve depression and anxiety. 
  • Traditional Chinese Medicine - Traditional Chinese medicine helps restore your life’s energy. Some methods balance your body energy by cupping therapy, tai chi, Chinese and herbs and diets. 

Natural healing has a broad medical method and treatments. Hence, look for a naturopathic doctor who will be appropriate for your treatment journey. As mentioned above, you can make natural healing more effective if you have the right mindset. Now, the question is where to find a reliable naturopathic doctor

Finding A Naturopathic Doctor 

There are some tips you should follow when looking for your naturopathic doctor. This way, you would ensure that he/she is qualified. Follow the tips below:

  • Recommendation - Just like any professionals, a naturopathic doctor needs to earn positive feedback from his/her previous clients. It is to ensure that they are qualified. 
  • Inquisitive - Choose a naturopathic doctor that is inquisitive. He/she should ask about your lifestyle, health condition and family history to give you an accurate diagnosis. 
  • Various Treatment Options - Make sure that the naturopathic doctor will offer you various natural healing methods. Hence, the doctor must give you appropriate treatment options. 
  • Accessibility - As with any doctor, you should look for a naturopathic doctor who has the same schedule as you. In doing so, it will be easier for you to contact the doctor.
  • Approachable- Your naturopathic doctor should make you feel at ease while being treated. Plus, an approachable doctor will make you comfortable to ask questions. 

See, finding a naturopathic doctor is the same as finding any doctors. So, make sure to do your research before consulting one. Luckily, there is the Orchard Physiotherapy Centre in Singapore that has qualified doctors.

A Balanced Life 

Healing your body is all about balancing energy like yin and yang. Hence, master the art of balancing life energy by using natural healing. If you are willing to try it, go to Orchard Physiotherapy Centre in Singapore to talk with a qualified naturopathic doctor. 

Visit their website to know more about sports physiotherapy, naturopathic medicine and more.  



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