14 Nov

Veins are vessels that carry blood from your body’s tissues towards your heart. These help keep the blood flowing to your heart which overall helps your body function as they should be. If these veins are weak or damaged, blood can gather and pool that causes swelling and lead to varicose veins. In Singapore, workers are the usual victim because of some factors that they are not aware of.

In this article, we will shed some light on the common risk factors that cause and worsen the case of having varicose veins.

  1. Family history

Genes are the most common determinants of varicose veins patients in Singapore. If your family members had varicose veins, then it is more likely you will too. It is recommended to follow preventive actions that might increase your chances in getting this condition.

  1. Age

Elders have a higher risk of developing varicose veins. As you age, it will cause the wear and tear on the valves in your veins thus preventing regular blood flow. While you can not stop ageing, the best way to prevent it is to monitor your health condition religiously.

  1. Gender

Varicose veins are relatively common among both genders, men and women. However, due to hormonal changes during pregnancy, pre-menstruation or menopause increases this risk. Intake of birth control pills also contributes to the odds of getting varicose veins.

  1. Pregnancy

The volume of a woman’s blood increases during pregnancy to support the growing fetus. The unfortunate side effect is the enlargement of veins and pressure put upon in her legs which, in return, could raise the chances of getting varicose veins. The solution is getting varicose veins treatment within 12 months after delivery.

  1. Obesity or overweight

Extra weight puts pressure on your veins that can lead to varicose veins. Maintaining a healthy diet and daily exercise are the simplest solutions to reduce the chances of obesity. Choosing on taking the stairs, once in a while, causes leg muscles to contract and push blood from the legs.

  1. Lack of movement

Sitting or standing for long periods of time contributes to the lack of blood flow. Staying in one position may strain your veins because they would work harder to pump blood toward your heart.

  1. Uncomfortable footwear and tight socks

If your work requires you to wear tight clothes and strappy high heels, then you are at risk of developing and worsening varicose veins. They might look great but they interfere with your natural walking motions which disrupt your regular blood flow.

Consulting with vein clinics in Singapore is a good way to start addressing these factors and could further help you in preventing varicose veins. However, if symptoms start to arise, it is a sign that you should change your lifestyle in order to avoid expensive medical procedures in the future. Get in touch with Cheng SC Veins and Endovascular in Singapore to help you with the factors of your varicose veins; visit https://veinandendovascularsurgery.sg today.

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