13 Sep

It was an unexplained joy when I saw my firstborn out of the nursing station. The smile on my face never faded away during the whole trip back home. I was already thinking about the different activities we’ll be enjoying together, as well as the different places we will visit in the future. But as days went by, that happiness was replaced with worries not with our baby, but with my wife.

I noticed that she seemed to be uneasy and uncomfortable after giving birth. I was not sure if she was experiencing any postpartum disorder and needed some post natal care, but I don’t want to stress her out of the situation. So, I asked her if she was feeling unwell at that time.

She shared that she had been feeling constipated for several days already and her lower back occasionally hurts. We also noticed a bulge in her stomach that is uncanny for someone who had given birth. Her worry intensified when we found this “pooch” in her belly. So, we did our research online on what may have caused these symptoms.

We stumbled upon Orchard Clinic’s website and found out about Diastasis Recti cases in Singapore. According to their site, this is a common post natal disorder that usually affects women who had multiple childbirths and those who are over 35 years old. They also added that mothers who have either delivered heavy babies or twin and triplets are also prone to this Diastasis Recti.

We also learned that this condition is caused by the divarication or separation of my wife’s recti muscles. This is when the right and left abdominal muscles either partially or completely detached from the middle abdomen that causes her belly to protrude. They added that this condition can also be caused by the growing baby during pregnancy and some hormonal changes in her body after giving birth.

My wife was eager to have herself checked, but we should first set an appointment with them before we can go to their clinic. While we wait for our schedule, I encouraged her also to do the self-test procedure shared on the website of Orchard Clinic to check if she has Diastasis Recti.

She lied on her back with her knees bent and feet flat on the floor. She placed one hand in her belly with her fingers on her navel. I reminded her that her fingers should be in the midline of her navel so she can feel her abdominal muscles. She then pressed her fingertips gently while I supported her head up. Her shoulders should remain still on the ground while she maintains this crunch-like position. That’s when she felt the separation in her recti muscles that is about three fingers wide.

Now that we have somehow verified that she has this condition, we immediately went to Orchard Clinic on our scheduled appointment to confirm if she has Diastasis Recti. We were met by their specialist who will assess my wife of her condition. We shared that we did their self-test procedure to check if she has the condition. They ran some tests and assessments on her and confirmed that she has a mild divarication on her recti muscles.

According to them, good thing that we have noticed this disorder early as it may worsen and lead to other severe conditions like:

  • Posture issues

  • Extreme lower back pain

  • Compromised mobility and core strength

  • Severe constipation and bloating

  • Dysfunction of the pelvic floor

  • Urinary problems

  • Hernia

They also explained that there is nothing to worry about as Diastasis Recti is common among pregnant women and postpartum mothers. They usually suggest women who are planning to get pregnant to keep their core muscles strong with abdominal exercises. Some pregnant women can also do minimal core exercises during the early months of their pregnancy.

As for my wife’s condition, they recommended several treatment options we can consider. These include electromagnetic and physical therapy sessions they offer in their Singapore clinic. My wife chose both options and she’s now getting these exclusive sessions with Orchard Clinic.

She said that their electromagnetic therapy is non-invasive or painless. It involves a piece of equipment that uses a high-intensity electromagnetic field to treat her condition. Orchard Clinic also assured her that this is an effective measure to correct her separated recti muscles and treat her Diastasis Recti within a short period.

On the other hand, their physical therapy sessions involve Clinical Yoga and Pilates to strengthen her abdominal muscles. We also noticed some improvements in her posture and mobility after some classes. She also shared that she was fully guided by her instructor to ensure his safety during the exercises.

We’re just now waiting for her full recovery from Diastasis Recti and live back to our normal lives. If you or your wife is also experiencing the same condition, you can visit the website of Orchard Clinic and set an appointment with their medical experts! Find the best treatment for your condition and also live back to your normal life.

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