23 Jun

Having a urinary tract infection (UTI) can be painful and frustrating, especially if it keeps on coming back. To not let this happen again, you’ll need to practice a healthy habit at all times. Apart from that, it is advisable to visit a urologist in Singapore, at least once a year to find out your urinary system condition. 

With that said, here are some helpful tips on how to reduce the risk of UTI.

  1. Drink a Lot of Water

Drinking a lot of water flushes the bacteria out of your bladder and urinary tract before an infection can begin. To know how much water you should drink daily, try multiplying your weight by 2/3, the final answer is the ounces of water you should drink every day.

  1. Steer Clear of Drinking Caffeine

Although caffeine is not the cause of UTI, it can irritate your bladder and worsen the symptoms of infection.

  1. Wipe from the Front to the Back

A group of female urology doctors says, wiping after urinating and bowel movement helps to prevent bacteria from spreading to your vagina and urethra. 

  1. Wash Up Before Intercourse

Also, always make it a habit to wash your private areas (using soap and water) before having intercourse because it will keep the bacteria away from entering the urinary tract. 

  1. Always Urinate After Intercourse

Next, you should always urinate after having intercourse because it flushes the harmful bacteria from the urethra, and it reduces the chances of getting a UTI.

  1. Avoid Irritating Feminine Products

Most of all. If you are a female, a urologist in Singapore also warns women to avoid using irritating feminine products like deodorant spray and scented powder because these can contribute to bacterial growth that leads to a higher risk of having UTI.

Need a reliable urology doctor in Singapore? Book an appointment with Dr Shirley Bang today! Visit their website to learn more about their services.


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