20 Jun

With a lot of new diseases targeting the digestive health of the human body, more and more people are switching to eating healthier foods. Influencers used social media and other means of communication in order to disseminate the message that humans need to eat healthy foods and avoid foods that do not contribute to a healthier you.

What is organic food?
Organic foods are produced in a way that during farming natural fertilizers such as manure or compost are used, and weeds and pests are controlled naturally.

What are the benefits of organic food?
People who are eating organic foods found that organic foods contain fewer pesticides, are often fresher, are better for the environment, are richer in certain nutrients and are genetically modified microorganisms-free. In addition, in producing organic meat, dairy and eggs, livestock disease is prevented by clean housing, rotational grazing and healthy diet.

What are the popular organic products?
Today, two of the popular organic products are organic chia seeds and organic flour.

Chia seeds
Chia seeds are at an extreme hype these days. They are mostly identified as small ovals and comes in mottled-color with brown, gray, black and white. They are obtained from Salvia hispanica L. and are the native products of Mexico, Guatemala, Bolivia, Argentina, Ecuador, Nicaragua and Australia.

Chia seeds are popularly mixed with a glass of water. After a few minutes a gel will be formed and that’s when you are able to drink it.

One of the common benefits of chia seeds is that you have more energy and alertness. Another known benefit is that you always feel full. Their high fiber content will suppress your need for food cravings so that you eat less. Moreover, chia seeds are great for minimizing the chance for dehydration during workout and continuous exposure to heat.

Organic Oats

Organic oats are very popular in Singapore. Mothers opt for these oats as they are high in carbohydrates and boosts the energy levels of their kids. They prepare at least a small bowl of organic oats and mix it with their kids’ favourite milk or chocolate drink for a filling, healthy breakfast.

Organic Flour 
Organic flour or organic whole wheat flour is a type of flour from organic hard red wheat that is grown and processed according to specific standards. This type of flour is not subjected to a bleaching treatment and it is commonly used to make breads and pasta. In Singapore, organic flour can be purchased at well-known organic food shops.

The common benefits of using organic flour are that they lower the overall body mass index and they also lower the risk of cardiovascular disease.

How much does an organic food costs?
Organic shops in Singapore sell organic food in a higher price compared with conventionally grown food. Most people who eat organic produce suggests that it is better to shop at farmer’s market as prices of organic foods are often at discounted rate. Another alternative is to join a cooperative grocery store where lower prices are offered to members who pay an annual fee. Further, other people tend to try backyard farming in order to stay within their food budget. Buying fresh produce in organic shops in Singapore will still depend on how much you believe in organic farming and the health benefits that it offers.

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