18 Sep

It truly fascinates me how far we have gone right now that there are now innovative machines that cater to our physio and osteopath needs. Today, medicine has become farther progressed that man can now live more confidently. In private physiotherapy clinics in Singapore, you would see reliable machines that can offer wellness patients.

I am a mother of a champion. My son is an elementary student who competes with kids of the same age in football. Sometimes, he also competes with opponents a bit older than him. At first, this was just a summer workshop we have encouraged him to do. Eventually, he has grown a liking in football, until he started competing. Being a responsible kid he is, he does not neglect his studies. However, it cannot be denied that he really prioritizes his starting career in football. As his parents, we are nothing but happy and supportive. We started seeking private physiotherapy in Singapore one fateful day when he met a slight injury. For normal people, this is okay. But for rising athletes, it is not. I also hated seeing my son disheartened so we followed what his coach has recommended. His coach recommended seeing private physiotherapy in Singapore that offers sports massage.

We searched Singapore for a reliable physio and osteopath that could address what my son needs. Good thing, I found this clinic that offers sports massage. At this private therapy, my son had undergone rehabilitation for his injury. They have the goal to treat and fully rehabilitate the post-injury of my son. They also offer rehabilitation for post operations. Doing this will prevent further damage. This also returns the athlete to his or her full function over a short period of time. Upon observing, I became secure that this is the private physiotherapy where I can fully entrust my son’s wellbeing with their sports massage. 

Throughout the course of my son’s sports massage, he reported being treated by very kind practitioners. He even became friends with them! Well, I do not blame these practitioners as well because my son is truly a friendly and kind person! Of course, rehabilitation is difficult at first, but with the kind practitioners in this private physiotherapy clinic, my son was able to do it. Having a kind and warm practitioner is necessary when doing sports massage because children must be comfortable with you. Else, the child would be scared and anxious.

My son showed drastic signs of improvement overtime. He started becoming as active as ever and he can now move the injured part of his body, though not at an optimal level. With this, he just has to continue and do good with his sports massage so he can return locked and loaded!

This is just our experience upon seeking private physiotherapy in Singapore. If you are looking for the right sports massage practitioner, City Osteopathy & Physiotherapy can provide the right services. You can enquire on their website or visit them at their clinics.

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