31 May

When I first learned that I have varicose veins, I did not seek a doctor. It is a mistake that I hate to admit because I would be filled with regret every time that I think of it. It was only later that I learned about the benefits of early treatment. If only I knew it sooner, I would not have to spend my summer wearing pants and leggings. Every time that I would feel these regrets, I would remember what my doctor told me, “You were not too late.”

My vein doctor is from Cheng SC Veins and Endovascular clinic. He has been with patients like me for a long time, so I was confident that he would help me live with my venous disease. Not only that, but he has also received awards that recognises his outstanding knowledge on vein treatments that puts him on the top of the list of vein doctors in Singapore.

I learned a lot from him. In my best way to summarise what I know about my condition, this article will encapsulate the advice that I got from him that got me through the summer. If you want to know what they are, keep reading!

Living with Varicose Veins

I remember telling my doctor that I was too young to get varicose veins or even be close to being prone to becoming a patient who has deep vein thrombosis in Singapore. At 42, I was, indeed, not too young to get varicose veins. People often believe that it only happens to older people, but it is not true. You can get them when you are: 

  • Obese
  • Practice an unhealthy lifestyle
  • Has diabetes
  • Has a family history of varicose veins
  • Pregnant

Well, having recently discovered that I needed the treatment of a professional this summer, imagine my distress. How would I enjoy summer hikes and trips to the beach when I am always feeling pain in my legs? Thankfully, I have a doctor to help me out. Let me tell you the advice he told me so I could have an enjoyable summer with my family.

My Vein Doctor’s Advice

Do not trust sketchy medical websites on the internet that talk about what you should and should not do with your varicose veins. What you will read here is the advice that came from a professional vein doctor at Cheng SC Veins and Endovascular clinic. Here is what my doctor told me:

Use compression stockings

I know what you are thinking. Who would want to wear stockings in the heat of the summer, right? Well, unfortunately, I do. I am thankful that these work for me because imagine the other patients with more severe venous diseases. They might need more than wearing stockings.

These compression stockings are only one of the modern techniques that are safe for people like me. They fit me well, and that is how they are supposed to be. Wearing them regularly boosts circulation in my legs that prevent the development of deep vein thrombosis! 

Stay active

Doing physical activities was not hard for me this summer. Although I do get a bit self-conscious when I join my daughters in a game of volleyball at the beach, I only care about improving the blood flow in my legs. 

Another crucial tip that my vein doctor told me is to avoid my habit of putting my leg on top of the other. If you do this, I advise you to avoid it too! When I feel the urge to do it, I stand and walk around to avoid the impulse. And, it works!

Do not expose yourself to heat

I know it sounds contradictory when all of us are always under the glaring sun when we live in Singapore. I was confused about it, too. When I first heard it, I asked my doctor how I would do that when I would be going out this summer. It was when I found out that when our body is at a high temperature, it will put pressure on blood flow. When you have varicose veins, being under the heat would make them more noticeable.

Now that I know that, I bring an umbrella with me all the time. This summer, I avoided hot baths, saunas, and hot jacuzzis. If you are planning to stay at home this summer, I suggest that you keep your body cool at all times!

Book a Consultation at Cheng SC Veins and Endovascular Clinic 

Every case of varicose veins is unique, so what you may read here may or may not be effective for you. The best course of action you can take is to go to the nearest vein clinic in Singapore to get your personalised treatment. If you want to go to the clinic where I got my treatment this summer, you should book a consultation at Cheng SC Veins and Endovascular clinic!

Visit their website to know the clinic’s location and how you can contact them for a reserved appointment today!

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