05 Mar

Cranial osteopathy treatment was founded by W. G. Sutherland, and it’s garnered as a breakthrough in the alternative medicine field ever since. While it’s faced a lot of criticism, cranial osteopathy is well-established in Singapore.

Interested in giving it a try? Here are some of the benefits of cranial osteopathy!

1. Perfect for babies

Ever wondered why most patients for cranial osteopathy treatment are babies? It’s because the therapy is geared towards reducing stress and relieving discomfort. Since babies experience stress due to labour, cranial osteopathy treatment is the perfect solution!

2. Reduce stress

Aside from babies, most adults undergo treatment to reduce stress. Since grown-ups can be stressed out due to work burnout or other personal problems, going through cranial osteopathy seems like an excellent choice.

3. Get better sleep

When you’re stressed, chances are you’ll have trouble sleeping as a result. If that’s the case, you can undergo cranial osteopathy to reduce stress and get better sleep. Say goodbye to insomnia!

4. Safe for seniors

For senior citizens, how safe is the treatment? It’s 100% safe! Elderly patients who go through treatment have said to feel relieved and energised afterwards.

5. No risks or side effects

Afraid of any risks or side effects? Don’t worry; the only side effects that you could experience is a slight numbing sensation. Even so, the chances of discomfort are low.

6. The treatment is quick

If you’re worried about going through the treatment for more than an hour, then you’ll be amazed to know that it only lasts 10 to 30 minutes!

These are just some of the benefits of cranial osteopathy treatment. If you’re interested in trying it out, remember to get treated only at a certified clinic!

If you’re looking for an osteopath, you could visit City Osteopathy & Physiotherapy in Singapore.

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