I have been working hard and had been in a lot of stress these days that when our campaign had ended (and, in a success, mind you), I immediately filed a two-week long leave just to recalibrate and relax. As my boss was still in a good mood, he agreed with the break that I have filed.
As for what I will do with my two-week break, I still have no plans. One thing is for sure, though: I will visit an aesthetic treatment clinic in Singapore. I have been meaning to seek the right treatment for my eye bags. I used to be very beautiful, but now, I think that about 10 years of my youth has been sucked out from me! This is why I looked up for a reliable aesthetic treatment centre here in Singapore and was able to find this clinic that offers this procedure that I am interested in. this aesthetic treatment from Korea to Singapore is called Rejuran Healer. It can be a treatment for my dark eye circle. Here are the things I have learned about the Rejuran Healer in Singapore:
What is the Rejuran Healer?
The Rejuran Healer, from what I have known, is another form of an aesthetic treatment that boosts the skin. It is composed of polynucleotides (PN) that id administered into the skin. Apparently in Korean, this compound called Polydeoxyribnucleotides (PDRN) has been used to promote anti-aging treatments, skin rejuvenation, skin regeneration, and hair growth stimulation. PN, the one used in Rejuran Healer, is a more updated type of PDRN.
How does the Rejuran Healer work?
The Rejuran Healer acts as a foundation or a scaffolding for extracellular matrix and cells. This makes the cells to rejuvenate. It provides stimulation to growth factors and fibroblasts that can increase circulation and wound healing. It can even revive drying skin cells. It also prevents the ageing process and inflammation as it blocks free radicals. It speeds up the growth of necessary components that provide skin regeneration and components that offer great skin like collagen.
What are the benefits of Rejuran Healer?
Here are the benefits I have learned from getting Rejuran Healer:
Improves skin texture and tone
Increases skin elasticity and hydration
Reduces wrinkles, fine lines, and open pores
Repairs skin with improved skin barrier function
Normalizes skin where the thickening of skin, oil synthesis and skin cell production are regulated
What can the Rejuran Healer treat?
This aesthetic treatment may also serve as a treatment for your eye bags and dark eye circles. It is a treatment also for acne and acne scars, sagging skin, enlarged pores, uneven skin tone, dull skin, wrinkles and fine lines, stretch marks, and more!
Here are just some of the things I have learned about this aesthetic treatment called Rejuran Healer. It is truly a convenient treatment that can solve my dark eye circles and eye bags. If this treatment also interests you, you can check out this aesthetic treatment centre called Shiro Aesthetic Clinic.