01 Jul

Are you someone in your elderly years who may need natural eczema balms and other skincare products? Eczema is a skin condition that affects millions of people around the world. However, a significant chunk of this population have or have had it in their childhood years, and most will have had it disappear in their later years, or at least subsist somewhat. It’s a bit rarer for adults after the age of eighteen to develop eczema, though it is possible. 

Eczema in elderly folk

However, as one reaches their elderly years, the story changes slightly. While eczema can appear at any time in your life, elderly folk (past their sixties) tend to be more prone to developing eczema. This is because skin tends to become drier as one gets older, leading to roughness, itchiness, scaly or leathery patches or rashes, and other symptoms normally associated with eczema. 

Dry skin and eczema can be linked to the effects of ageing. As you age, your body slows down collagen production and replaces skin cells more slowly, leading to wrinkles and more fragile skin. Unfortunately, this is not a condition that can simply be cured by using eczema creams, but it can help a great deal in helping you manage your symptoms.

Three ways to treat eczema in elderly folk

  1. Emollient therapy. This treatment is aimed at managing dry skin. The regime calls for using emollient based products such as eczema moisturisers that are capable of softening dry skin and is safe for people with eczema to use.
  2. Eating healthy. We tend to eat less in our old age. It’s important to maintain a diet that promotes healthy skin.
  3. Avoiding skin irritants. Elderly folk are especially susceptible to changes in temperature. Don’t expose yourself to sudden heat or cold. 

Mummybrand is a company providing quality skincare products for people of all ages. See baby eczema creams, moisturising gels, special shampoos, and more on our site.


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