10 Oct

Cancer management centres make it a little less difficult for a cancer patient and their family and friends. I know this much because I accompanied a friend who suspects herself to have breast cancer. This what I can say after accompanying her when getting breast cancer screening in Singapore.

Cancer is like a death sentence. For some, receiving news that an individual has developed cancer is like the end of the world and I cannot blame them. Cancer must be one of the few illnesses that bring tragedy to the patient and to the people around them. The effect of this condition might be fast or slow. It is a slow killer.

I know this much because my friend and I went to a cancer management centre. She has been suspecting if she has breast cancer because there are a few lumps she feels on her breast. Her worry becomes even more heightened whenever she remembers that her mother and her aunt both have cancer. With this, I encouraged her to visit a cancer management centre to get the right cancer diagnosis and treatment. I know she is afraid, so I reassured her that I will be there every step of the way. With this, she agreed and we both made a trip to this cancer management centre in Singapore for her to get a breast cancer screening. Upon talking to the practitioner I have learned a few things about breast cancer as they do screening  on my friend:

  1. It is not a single disease

Basically, cancer is caused by cancer cells that have grown too many. In turn, cancer cells are cells that have grown abnormal. The cancer diagnosis and treatment practitioner has explained to me that there is actually more than one type of breast cancer. That’s why screening as early as possible is important. These cancer types grow in different parts of the breast.

  1. Few cases are hereditary

This might give my friend hope. Apparently, it has been one of the biggest misconceptions about breast cancer is that you can only get it if someone in your family has turned positive from a breast cancer screening. In fact, experts say that only a few cases of breast cancer is hereditary. There are many factors that can cause you to have cancer.

  1. Checking your breast is important

With this, an important thing is to do your own breast cancer screening by checking how your breasts look and how it feels. You must do a regular self check-up for your breast by checking if there are any lumps or if it feels kind of different. Once you have felt that something is off, it is best to seek cancer diagnosis and treatment as early as you can.

Here are just some of the things I have learned. Another that may give my friend hope is that lumps in your breast do not always mean cancer. In spite of this, it is important to have it checked by cancer diagnosis and treatment experts. If you are having suspicions or are anxious about your health, you can visit International Cancer Specialist here in Singapore.

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