15 Jan

As we age, the higher the chance we develop spider veins. Those are the purple and blue lines like branches that we see on our legs. Even though we often cannot see it through our naked eyes, we could feel it as they become twisted and enlarged. That could cause so much pain. So, while you still don’t have deep vein thrombosis, get spider veins treatment in Singapore right away. 

Here are the things you should do after treatment. 

  1. Walk right away

Your vascular surgeon in Singapore will advise this to you since walking would help improve the blood circulation around your legs. Doing so would help clear out the spider veins and speed up the healing process. However, keep in mind you need to take it slow. 

  1. Wear compression stockings 

Your vascular surgeon will also ask you to wear this on the treated areas for a certain amount of time. These compression stockings will not only improve the blood flow of your legs but also reduce your discomfort. So, try to wear it at all times. 

  1. Avoid sun exposure 

Even though sunlight is good for the skin, getting so much exposure can cause skin damage. It could also make your spider veins worse in Singapore. So, make sure to avoid it for at least a month and wear some sunscreen with SPF60.

  1. Change lifestyle

You have to since smoking and drinking alcohol can delay the healing process of your legs. So, try to stop for a while until you get healed. 

  1. Raise legs when asleep

Raising your legs helps reduce its swelling and keep the discomfort at bay. So, make sure to lift your legs at least four inches using your pillow. 

Do you still have questions about spider veins and its treatment in Singapore? Let Cheng SC Veins and Endovascular answer all of that. All you need to do is contact them at (65) 62658561 or email them at veinandendovascular@gmail.com.


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