07 Oct

Urinary incontinence is a condition where the person loses control of their urinary bladder. The lack of bladder control of the person results in involuntary loss and leakage of urine. Urinary incontinence in Singapore is not a disease; instead, it is a symptom and complication of other health conditions. Therefore, its cause varies, depending on the existing health problem.

Here are the group of people who are at higher risk of developing urinary incontinence in Singapore:

1. Pregnant women

The pelvic floor, or the muscles that support the urinary bladder, urethra, and the womb, weakens during pregnancy. Once the pelvic floor gets weak, it is harder for it to hold and control the bladder. Additionally, the growing fetus also puts stress and pressure on the bladder. Combining all these factors results in urinary incontinence in Singapore. Postnatal care sessions in Singapore help treat urinary incontinence among pregnant women and those who have given birth.

2. Older men and women

Urinary incontinence in Singapore is most common in elderlies. In older women, the hormonal changes due to menopause influence the development of urinary incontinence. In older men, the weakening of the pelvic floor and bladder muscles due to old age is the most common cause.

3. People with pelvic conditions

People who have undergone treatment near the pelvis due to health conditions like pelvic organ prolapse and prostate cancer are more likely to develop urinary incontinence. It can affect both men and women at any age. Compared to pregnant women undergoing postnatal care sessions in Singapore for incontinence treatment, people with pelvic conditions need a different treatment.

4. People with nerve conditions

People with conditions that specifically affect the nerves have a higher chance of having urinary incontinence in Singapore. Parkinson's disease, diabetes, and multiple sclerosis are among the nerve-damaging conditions that affect bladder control.

5. Overweight and obese

The excess weight puts pressure and stress on the bladder more, hence, harder to control.

Don't let urinary incontinence stop you from doing what you love. Know your risk and get treatment.

Orchard Clinic provides treatment for post partum belly and urinary incontinence. Visit Orchard Clinic today.


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