15 Mar

Health care providers, such as city osteopathy in Singapore, hold ethical principles close to their hearts. It may include respect for autonomy, beneficence, health maximisation, efficiency and so on. But what if the patient feels violated in some small ways? They have the right to change osteopathy clinics in the CBD. 

Here are the red flags you should watch out for on your osteopathic centre in Singapore:

  1. Poor patient-doctor communication.

Patients and their attending physicians must have open communication. Both should listen to each other. However, if you have tried contacting your doctor several times for your stretch therapy in Singapore only to find out they are unreachable or they dismiss you without addressing your concerns and questions, it is time to find another Orchard physiotherapy centre. 

  1. Your therapist is always unavailable.

Understandably, doctors and therapists can be late, especially if there is an influx of patients. But it is also their responsibility to accommodate you in time of need as your primary physicians. If you are having a hard time scheduling appointments with them or your meetings are constantly being rain checked, it is time to look for another physio clinic in Singapore

  1. Your therapist is unprofessional.

One of the ingredients of a healthy doctor-patient relationship is mutual respect. But what if your doctor or therapist is rude, unethical, and condescending? These red flags in the attitude scream unprofessionalism. 

A good doctor and therapist respects you and makes you feel heard and safe. 

  1. Lack of expertise

There are different kinds of doctors and therapists. Some are experts in orthopaedic physical therapy, while others specialise in paediatric physiotherapy. It is essential to find city osteopathy in Singapore that specialises in your needs. 

  1. Lack of technological advancement

Technological advancements and medical breakthroughs have opened the door to safer and more efficient medical treatments. You are missing out on the benefits of these treatments if your clinic is outdated. 

You cannot find a reliable osteopathic centre if you automatically go to the first "physiotherapy clinic near me" search result. Be meticulous when searching for clinics. 

Edge Healthcare provides physiotherapy and osteopathy therapies in Singapore. Visit Edge Healthcare today. 


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