03 Nov

Are you getting recommendations from your friends that you should visit a naturopath in Singapore? You may feel iffy and doubtful at first, but there is no harm in trying this natural medical approach. Here are some things you should expect on your initial visit to their clinic:

Lengthy Discussion

Expect a long and lasting conversation with naturopathic doctors since they extensively assess your condition. These include questions concerning your lifestyle, eating habits, physical activities, sleeping patterns, emotional issues, medical history, genetic records, and many others. They ask these details to determine the real cause of your ailment, and not just depend on the symptoms you experience.

Physical Assessment

After an hour or two of talking, your naturopath doctor will then collect your vital body information such as your weight, height, pulse rate, and blood pressure. They may also inspect your ears, nose, eyes, and mouth to check any flaw in your organs. You should also prepare yourself for physical tests to examine your lungs and heart health. It may not last for another hour, but expect it to be a full-body assessment.

Laboratory Examinations

Aside from your fitness exams, you should also expect a series of lab tests on your first naturopath clinic appointment in Singapore. These include bloodwork to check on your sugar levels and determine any food allergies that you might be unaware of. They’ll also run some diagnostic tests to track your health condition and alleviate it before it worsens.

Natural Prescriptions

After your assessment, your specialist will create a health and treatment plan specific for your condition. These can involve diet changes, herbal medicines, and homoeopathic prescriptions. Your naturopathic doctors can also perform life coaching and counselling techniques to help you manage your emotional stress while you’re doing your treatments.

Pressure Treatments

Furthermore, they also do naturopathy therapy sessions such as massages, acupressure, mechanotherapy, and bio-puncture. They can also recommend the use of cold and hot compresses to regulate your body heat and improve your blood flow. Some clinics like City Osteopathy & Physiotherapy will encourage you also to do physical exercises and activities as your treatment or recovery plans. You can check their website and schedule a free consultation with their naturopathic doctor in Singapore.


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