10 Sep

Body pain was never a problem for me when I was young, now I am near in my 40s I feel like everything will fall apart as I feel pain everywhere from my back, shoulder, hips, knees, etc.


Aside from this body pain, I feel like I am being restricted to move, every day from work or at home, and I hate it. Work is my life and if I cannot work freely because of this body pain, I need it to do something, whether physical therapy, chiropractic or naturopathy, I want it done; I want to end this body pain. 


At first, I asked my mother if she knew anyone who could treat my body pain right away. My mother says that she used to have a body pain after giving birth to me and recommended by her doctor to have pelvic physical therapy done soon after a few weeks.


Glady, she still remembers the place where she has it done. We both went together inside to have my consultation done soon the doctor recommends having two procedures done, by two different specialists; One is a physiotherapist, and the other is a naturopathic doctor, both are well-known doctors in Singapore.


When I first met with the physiotherapist, my bones are aching so much that I feel like I am older than my mother. I was wondering if they could get rid of this pain or reduce it so I could do my work properly.


And they told me that physical therapy will help my muscles, bones, and joint to reduce its swelling and, relief of pain and optimizing the healing of the ligaments. That’s when I hope to no longer feel any lower back pain, neck pain, frozen shoulder, and in other areas.


My doctor is very caring and hands-on during the treatment, as he gently manipulates every muscle in my body to trigger some joints while doing some stretching, assuring me I will soon feel pain-free movement after several procedures.


He also advises that if I could do a regular exercise after they did our session to maintain my body’s flexibility and to sustain balance to ensure that my life will be free of pain and dysfunction.


As for when I met with the naturopathic doctor, it feels different since they asked me to have a laboratory test to further understand my condition before doing any naturopathy treatment.

Soon after, she said that she will help me understand that the pain may go away temporarily by medicine but the best treatment is the natural healing ensuring to avoid further pain or damages.


I was shocked at first, why does she know that I was drinking a pain reliever to relieve my body pain. Then, I realize it may be because of the laboratory test she conducted before our session.


It amazes me how carefully treating their patients are! Now, I can see why my naturopathic doctor says that natural healing is the best cure because it gently heals itself as it focuses on removing the problem entirely instead of focusing on symptoms alone.


After several sessions in three months, my bones feel younger and feel like my joints are now in a better state.


I recommend the naturopathic doctor from City Osteopathy & Physiotherapy that will assure you for pain-free naturopathy treatment in Singapore.

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