02 Feb

Do you have a lump at the base of your big toe that seems like a growing extra bone? If yes, then you may have a bunion.

Bunion or Hallus Valgus is a common deformity of the foot structure. Bunion happens when the big toe points towards the direction of the second toe instead of pointing straight. It causes the big toe to misalign from the rest of the foot framework. Bunions develop gradually. It may take years to become


There are lots of causes of bunions according to foot and ankle specialists in Singapore. The most common is genetic cases. A bunion is a hereditary bone disorder. A person is likely to have bunions if one of the relatives has one.

The main cause of bunions is the sideway growth of the metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joint. The deformity of the metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joint forces the big toe to incline towards the second toe. It causes the misalignment of the foot framework.

Foot and ankle specialists in Singapore debunk the claims that frequently wearing the wrong footwear causes the bunions. However, footwears that squeezes the foot and the toes add to the fast and progressive development of bunions.


Foot and ankle specialists in orthopaedic clinics in Singapore may conduct a physical examination of your foot. X-ray is also required to properly diagnose bunions.


Orthopaedic clinics in Singapore offer different treatments for bunions. Bunion surgery being the most common in Singapore, there are also non-invasive treatments.

Non-surgical treatment may include medication, wearing bunion pads and shoe inserts, ice packs and even proper foot rest and exercise.

For severe cases of bunions, surgery may be required for treatment. Surgery will realign the bones by putting the metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joint to its place. Full recovery from the surgery may take 6 months.

Specialist Orthopaedic Centre has been providing high-quality treatment for foot and ankle diseases in Singapore.


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