02 May

I never thought varicose veins would stop me from doing what I really love. I used to love jogging before. It was my way to relieve my stress from work and household. But with veins bulging and crawling around my legs and the soreness and tenderness I was experiencing every night, I could never jog freely again. But thanks to my vein clinic in Singapore, I am ready to hit the road and jog miles again. Here is my story on how my varicose vein treatment in Singapore helped me win my battles.

The Beginning of My Vining Problems

I should have known from the start that I am prone to varicose veins. My mum, who is a retired teacher, had them, too. She also had a deep vein thrombosis and got treated in Singapore.

I have been working as a hairdresser for more than 15 years. I even met my husband in the salon where I was working. The nature of my work as a hairdresser requires me to stand for long periods of time. Although I wore comfortable shoes and sat from time to time if they were no clients, the 15 years of prolonged standing and sedentary nature of the job had taken its toll on my legs.

I ignored the bluish and purplish veins bulging at the back of my knees at first. I never made a visit to a vein clinic in Singapore to get them checked. The veins were just one centimetre long and not that noticeable when I jogged wearing running shorts.

My varicose vein worsened when I gave birth to my third child five years after. The veins at the back of my knees crawled into my thighs and even in front of my legs. They looked like long green and purple worms wriggling beneath my skin.

It is a good thing I wore pants at work, but jogging in pants under the Singapore weather? I never jogged again because of my ugly varicose veins. 

My legs started to hurt unbearably as well every time I tried to rest my legs. My sleep pattern was ruined because of the discomfort I felt each night. 

When I had too much, I decided to visit a vein clinic in Singapore and find the quickest relief. 

My Vein Clinic Visit in Singapore

I am serious when I say I should have known that I am prone to varicose veins when my beloved mother had them. 

Apparently, according to my doctor, when I had my first visit to his vein clinic in Singapore, varicose veins are, in fact, hereditary. 

According to him, one of the risk factors of varicose veins is weak vein walls and capillaries. The vein walls weaken as the body ages, meaning elderlies are more prone to develop varicose veins.

However, in my case, who is still in my 40s, ageing was unlikely the culprit. Genetically speaking, according to my doctor, weak veins must be running in my family.

I was a bit scared and anxious after hearing this news. You might remember that my mother also suffered deep vein thrombosis in Singapore. Fortunately, my mother obtained her deep vein thrombosis due to her hip surgery. However, genetics may still play a role but very unlikely for me.

Another contributor was my inactive job. Standing for almost six hours a day in the salon for more than fifteen years must have contributed to the progression of my varicose. 

My pregnancy with my three children also played a part in my varicose veins. The hormonal imbalances and the blood pressure in the lower limbs affect the progression of my varicose veins. 

After hearing these factors, I decided to get a varicose vein treatment in Singapore. 

My Varicose Vein Treatment and Aftercare in Singapore

My vein clinic in Singapore, Cheng SC Vein and Endovascular Clinic, offered me several varicose vein treatments including, ClariVein, Endovenous Laser Therapy (EVLT), Radiofrequency ablation, Sclerotherapy and venous compression stockings. 

All of the treatments were promising, but of course, it all depended on the severity of my varicose veins. I chose the radiofrequency ablation varicose vein treatment in Singapore.Radiofrequency ablation is a minimally invasive varicose vein treatment in Singapore. 

My vein doctor used a catheter tube for the ablation process. He used radiofrequency energy to destroy my varicose veins. There was bearable pain during the process despite the presence of anaesthesia. 

Since I had multiple varicose veins, I needed to visit my vein clinic in Singapore for three weeks to continue the treatment. 

After the treatment, I took care of the swelling and several bruises around the affected area. I also wore compression stockings for two weeks. I tried to walk and elevate my legs for exercise and to reduce swelling. 

Defeating Varicose Veins

Just like my mum, I defeated varicose veins. I returned to jogging in running shorts years after my varicose vein treatment in Singapore. I am not embarrassed to show my legs now, and I am enjoying the things I love!

Get comprehensive, modern, and high-quality varicose vein treatment at Cheng SC Vein and Endovascular Clinic. 

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