10 Nov

Since I migrated to Singapore last year, I have been losing time to check on my health condition. I started to worry about it when I started feeling pain in my lower back and needing to pee more often than I did. I searched for female doctors in Singapore specialising in urology to ask for a consultation. Thankfully, I have found a very accommodating urologist who attended to my concerns.

She started asking for my basic health information to which I answered honestly. This includes my name, age, family history, work conditions, etc. which I deemed necessary for this type of consultation. Then, we moved on to my daily routine. She asked me what is the first thing I drink every morning. I said coffee and, sometimes, iced tea when I think I need more sugar to wake up my system. Working as a maid, I always need a boost to work faster within the hours I am required to work. After I said this, she looked concerned and wrote something in my file.

We moved on to my sexual history. This is the reason why I looked for a female doctor instead of a male doctor. I am very sensitive to this kind of topic as I never talk about it other than to my partner. After expressing that I am sexually active, she asked if I pee after our intercourse. I do not recall needing to pee after rolling in the hay. Therefore, I answered no. 

Finally, after all the other intimate questions regarding my hygiene practices. She asked me to have a urinalysis. According to her, the pain I am experiencing might be a urinary tract infection (UTI), which is enough to explain why I have been having a hard time to pee. The urinalysis will show if I do have it.

When I got a hold of my results, I came back to my female urologist to show her the results of my test. As she read my file, I got very nervous. She then confirmed that I do have UTI and prescribed me antibiotics to drink for a week. She advised that I avoid having intercourse for a while and come back to her once I have finished drinking the antibiotics.

In a week, I came back to her office. She asked how I was feeling to I which I expressed how much better I feel now than before. She followed up some concerns regarding my lifestyle which she claimed might be the cause of my UTI. Her reminders include:

Drink more water than coffee or iced tea;

Take bathroom breaks when you need to go;

Always pee after intercourse; 

Wipe from front to back; and

Avoid consuming food with lots of salt.

It took a lot of courage in me to consult with a doctor because I have always been afraid of being judged based on my lifestyle. That is why I am very grateful for my consultations with a female urologist in Singapore. Dr. Shirley Bang really helped me with my bladder issues. It is completely normal for women to reach for female doctors instead of male doctors. So, if you have experiences similar to mine. I suggest you go to her clinic for bladder-related issues. 

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