10 Jul

There is a misconception that urologists in most countries including Singapore only treat men. This is because urology doctors in Singapore are often associated with treating prostrate-related conditions. However, this is not true. In fact, there are urology female doctors which focus on treating women specifically. If you are a woman and you are worried about your pelvic health, here are the telltale signs on when to see a female urologist in Singapore:

Frequent Urination


Ever experienced wanting to urinate again even after urinating a few seconds ago? It seems like there is always a small amount of urine stuck in the pelvic area even after those multiple trips in the bathroom. If this happens frequently, it might be a sign of a Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) or something worse. Thus, it is best to consult a urologist in Singapore to confirm the gravity of a pelvic health condition

Pelvic Pain


Experiencing lower abdominal pain can indicate a serious pelvic condition like bladder or kidney cancer. One of the organs in the pelvic area like the uterus, fallopian tubes, cervix, and etc. might be inflamed because of an infection. To confirm if there are no serious conditions that might have developed, it is recommended to visit a female urologist in Singapore and have it checked.

Urinary Incontinence


A urology female doctor can help treat urinary incontinence or the loss of bladder control. Urinary incontinence can be very uncomfortable because patients might always experience the need to urinate all the time, but they are unable to hold it back and end up urinating in their pants. Although pain is not usually felt, it might put a patient in an embarrassing situation.

Difficulty Urinating


For those who are experiencing excruciating pain while urinating that they would rather hold back their urine, it is possible that their bladder, vagina or kidney might be infected. Stones might have already formed in their kidneys or bladder, or there might be an existing sexually transmitted infection in their pelvic area.

These are among the possible causes of the abnormalities that a patient is experiencing related to their pelvic area. For an accurate diagnosis and treatment, visit a urologist doctor now at Rock Digital and be relieved by all the pelvic pain that you are currently experiencing.

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