02 Sep

Giving birth is always a miraculous phenomenon since it attests to the strength of a woman’s body, so you should be proud of it! But, it also poses dangers to your body like the muscle separation in your abdomen called diastasis recti. In Singapore, new mums experience it even after another pregnancy!

In this article, you will learn why you should trust a physical therapist to help you heal from it.

They will diagnose you
Be alarmed when you still feel discomfort several months after birth because it is a sign that you might have diastasis recti. Do not self-diagnose because it might only amplify your symptoms, so only allow a professional to diagnose you accurately!

Assess if you will need a surgery
Yes, this condition can elevate to something serious. The separation of recti muscles can resemble a hernia, and sometimes it can cause a real hernia! Nonetheless, only your physical therapist will know if you will need surgery to return your body to its normal condition.

Teach gentle exercise that you need
The depth of the abdominal separation can be measured since it will also categorise the exercise that your body needs to correct it. But, do not worry because your therapist will teach you how to do these gentle exercises!

Help you do exercises at home
Mums do not often have the time to go to their therapist to get treatment. So, trust that your hired physical therapist will give you tips on how to do your diastasis recti exercises at the comfort of your home! In this way, you will have time to take care of your baby afterwards.

Give you emotional support
Being a new mum is not easy, and professional therapists know that. They are also trained to give you emotional support and make you feel comfortable with your body again. So, do not be afraid to open up to them when you do not feel good about your body.

Do not forget to take care of yourself for the sake of your baby! Get a diastasis recti treatment in Singapore from Orchard Clinic today!

Visit their website to book a consultation.


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