16 Feb

Ever since I heard osteopathy from my cousin, I have not stopped thinking about it since. The conversation started with me complaining about my perpetual neck and back pain, which I highly believe is caused by my prolonged sitting on my work desk. I have to defend myself on this because I did not exactly give up on relieving the pains that I was feeling. You can probably list some home remedies for this kind of a pain in your head but believe if I said that I probably tried most of them. Whether it is pain relief cream or applying some ice, nothing seemed to have worked for me except over-the-counter drugs. But, who would want to be dependent on drugs, anyway? I told all of these to my cousin to which he only replied that I visit a reliable osteopathic treatment centre in Singapore. That was the time that I realised that I only relied on the information I found on social media about neck and back pain without considering professional help. It was then I decided to get an appointment!

Discovering City Osteopathy & Physiotherapy

For someone who is computer literate, it was not hard for me to gather a list of osteopathic centres near me. I carefully did my research about the most reliable among all of them, including their authenticity, the services they offer, healing approach, location, and other essential things that I was able to find on their website. It was not long after that I decided to give City Osteopathy & Physiotherapy centre a try! I chose them because they have a centre near me, and that was a significant factor since I want to reduce my time outdoors.

Characteristics I Found Trustworthy in City Osteopathy & Physiotherapy Centre

On the day of my appointment, I came earlier than my scheduled time. I was immediately accommodated by a staff member and was asked about the details of my appointment. In a few minutes, I was called to the doctor who was available to treat my condition. 

It was not long since I entered the centre, I immediately noticed some commendable characteristics! Let me tell you about them.

1. Clean and sanitised facility

With the ongoing pandemic, every person must be careful and avoid crowded places as much as possible. Well, in the centre, I did feel safe. The staff wore PPEs and anyone who entered needed to take a temperature check. The centre was visibly, and I assume also under a microscopic scale, clean!

2. Assistive staff

As mentioned, as soon as I entered the centre, I was accommodated by the staff to determine my purpose of visit. I highly appreciate this gesture because I easily get lost in unfamiliar places. So, it was a relief that they give attention and care to each patient no matter how young or old. With this, it was not hard to reason that they are indeed a trustworthy centre!

3. Various services

Who would have thought that infants also benefit from the care that these types of centres give? From back pain to baby pain, they can treat it in their centre. A baby osteopath, for instance, is equipped with skills and expertise to know how to gently massage the head of a newborn to prevent them from worsening the conditions they acquired from their delivery. 

4. Tailor-made treatment plan

During my initial appointment, I thought I was in the hot seat of a famous TV show because of all the questions that my doctor threw at me. I answered them all honestly. Later I found out that these were relevant questions that would help him give me a unique treatment plan to resolve my problems! 

5. Affordable services

Not all of us were blessed to still have a job during this pandemic, so it was a relief that my savings were enough to cover my bills with them. I would soon be finding a job to cover all my remaining bills for my treatment, but I have to say that it is in the manageable amount!

Recommending City Osteopathy & Physiotherapy Centre

With the growing popularity of healthcare to address musculoskeletal pain in one osteopathic centre in Singapore, you can trust that City Osteopathy & Physiotherapy centre is one to trust! You can learn more about the certain characteristics that I have emphasised here when you get a treatment service from them. They currently have three sub-centres where you can get your appointment, so choose the one most convenient for you!

If you want to experience the same accommodating service that I got from them, you should also book an appointment with them to get yourself the natural treatment for your body pains!

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