07 Sep

Many women are becoming aware of the condition of recti, also known as diastasis recti (DR) or divarication of recti,  since it has greater relevance in pregnancy. Mothers also see this term as pooch or mummy tummy.

Women can avoid and lessen the separation of their recti muscles during their pregnancies by taking specific steps. The more severe health problems of a "mummy tummy" will become present in those who leave their "wobbly belly" untreated.

Here are preventive ways you can apply:

Prevent lifting heavy items

Pregnant women who focus on strengthening their abdominal muscles might be less likely to experience the separation of their abdominal recti muscles. On the other hand, you need to avoid strenuous lifting and core activities that produce too much strain.

When you are out and about, in addition to a proper support belt, make sure you have a backpack to relieve some of the pressure from lifting and moving things.

Healthy daily task

Your morning routine should start slowly and carefully. Rollover rather than sitting upright. When exercising, ensure you are doing so in a correct manner and aren't being sloppy.

Check your movements

Consider how you lift yourself out of a sitting or lying in the bed position. Don't attempt to get up from your second trimester in the last stages by relying only on your abdominal muscles.

Exercise regularly

The best way to prevent divarication of recti from occurring is to know the proper regular exercise. You will establish a steady build-up of your core strength by beginning with your pelvic region, lower back, core muscles, and transverse abdominals.

Consult a doctor

Aside from receiving postnatal care in Singapore, you can also consult on your postpartum stage. To accurately diagnose your recti muscles separation condition, you will need to speak with your doctor about it.

You can also consult a trusted clinic specialising in the divarication of recti to help provide the right exercises and treatments.

Consider getting treatment from a reliable clinic in Singapore, visit Orchard Clinic to book an appointment to receive an assessment.


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